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SCBA Dissents to Recent Supreme Court Decisions

Sam Cary Bar Association | Published on 7/1/2023


The Sam Cary Bar Association is outraged by the Supreme Court’s June 29, 2023, ruling that effectively ends affirmative action in higher education. Our nation has a deeply entrenched history of state-sponsored racial inequality, where educational disenfranchisement has been a lasting barrier for Black American progress. From Plessy v. Ferguson to Brown v Board of Education, the fight for equality in education is a continuous struggle—a struggle that very much exists today. Presently, communities of color are under financed, under resourced, and under served in educational systems, yet the Supreme Court turns a blind eye to these realities while making clear its hostility rectifying, or even acknowledging, lasting discrimination. Black Americans have fought in wars and died for this country’s interests while persisting in the face of social, legal, and economic disenfranchisement. The Supreme Court’s majority sentiment that you can die for us, just don’t sit at our table by excluding military academies from their decision is indicative of this expressed belief. The impacts of this decision will be felt by generations of Black Americans and will further deepen educational inequality while dividing our country in profound ways. Racial inequality will persist as long as it is ignored. We are not a colorblind nation, nor are we a meritocracy. Our national history and the lived experiences of Black Americans indicate that we have so much work to do to achieve true social, legal, and economic equity.  We are also concerned about the Court’s continued rulings that negatively impact historically and currently oppressed groups and promote discrimination—including today’s 303 Creative decision that endorses discrimination of LGBTQ patrons.  The Sam Cary Bar Association will continue to create a safe space for those who want to voice concerns and create action plans to combat inequities in the legal and judicial system.  While this week the Court signaled its intent to stifle the ability of communities of color to tell our own stories and share who we are as a whole person, we continue to encourage people from all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, sexes, gender identities, and sexual orientations to tell their story—fully, honestly, and authentically. The Sam Cary Bar Association stands with its sibling bar associations in condemning this decision and is committed to working in our community to continue the fight for equality and equity for all. In the next few weeks, the Sam Cary Bar Association and the Asian Pacific American Bar Association will organize and co-sponsor a panel about the recent ruling. We will communicate to the entire community the details of this event.