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Resolution in Honor of Norman S. Early, Jr.

SCBA | Published on 6/15/2022

Resolution in Honor of Norman S. Early, Jr.


Whereas, it was with deep sadness that the Sam Cary Bar Association received the news that one of its co-founders, Norman S. Early, Jr. passed away on May 5, 2022. 

Whereas, Norm distinguished himself on many fronts--as a trusted mentor to countless young attorneys, a local and national champion of crime victims’ rights, an eloquent speaker at many local and national criminal justice events and one of the best trial attorneys who ever graced a courtroom.

Whereas, during his storied career, Norm received many awards, including a Department of Justice Award for outstanding service on behalf of crime victims, a Government Leadership Award from the National Commission Against Drunk Driving and an Ending Violence Effectively Award for providing aid to survivors of sexual abuse.

Whereas, Norm loved his family, his community and his role as a changemaker. 

Whereas, even though his professional and personal plates were always overflowing, he remained a loyal and devoted member of the Sam Cary Bar Association during his prosecutorial career and for many years after he left the active practice of law. 

Whereas, members of Sam Cary will always cherish Norm’s million-dollar smile, his generosity of spirit and most of all, the bear hugs he bestowed upon everyone who came within his reach.

Resolved, that the Sam Cary Bar Association on behalf of its members and supporters in the legal community throughout the State of Colorado:


1. Hereby recognizes Norm’s unwavering legacy as one of the co-founders of our organization;

2. Grieves his passing;

3. Honors his rich legacy by remembering and channeling Norm’s tireless commitment to justice for all; and

4. Expresses its deepest condolences to each of Norm’s family, friends, and loved ones.



Respectfully submitted, this Ninth Day of June, 2022,


  2022 President Sig 


Allison L. Gambill

President, 2022

Sam Cary Bar Association